GOVERNMENT should consider naming the new Copperbelt Airport after late Second Republican President Frederick Chiluba, former State House Deputy Minister Blackson Sikanyika has said.

Mr Sikanyika said it would be wise to name the airport being constructed in Ndola after the former head of state as a way of honouring his legacy. “As former Deputy Minister and senior citizen, I support calls to name the airport on the Copperbelt after the former head of state,” Mr Sikanyika said.

He said there was need to name the Copperbelt airport after the former president for his contribution to the development of the country. “President Chiluba did a lot to develop this country. Some will recall that he is among the top people who pioneered the reintroduction of multiparty politics, the democracy that we are enjoying today and liberalisation of the economy among other achievements,” Mr Sikanyika said. Mr Sikanyika said it was important to honour those whohad contributed to the wellbeing of the country through naming some public facilities after them.

Mr Sikanyika said Dr Chiluba started his trade union politics on the Copperbelt, hence the need to name the Copperbelt Airport after him. He also appealed to Zambians to reject politicians promoting tribal politics.

Mr Sikanyika said tribalism was detrimental to the development of the country hence the need for all peace loving Zambians to reject it. “As a Senior citizens I would like to appeal to all peace loving Zambians to reject tribalism and politicians promoting it.

“We have always lived as one people regardless of political affiliation and the new trend of campaigning or wanting to get to power using tribalism
should be discouraged,” Mr Sikanyika said.


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