Arrest privatisation ‘criminals’ – Tonga

THERE is need to investigate, arrest, and commit to court, all the people believed to have used the privatisation process to rip the country of its resources so they can pay back, Enock Tonga has said.
Speaking to the Daily Nation yesterday, Mr. Tonga, who is 3RD Liberation Movement (3RDLM) president, said this was the treason his party was advocating corruption cases to be non-bailable so that cases involving graft could be fast-tracked.
Mr. Tonga said making corruption cases non-bailable and fast-tracking their prosecution would not only secure judgements on time, but will also act as deterrent to would-be offenders unlike the current situation.
He said the current scenario where people facing corruption even had the luxury to report for work and in the process tamper with the evidence against them was not prohibitive and that this was the reason why most corruption cases had loose-endings.
He pointed to the mischief involving the privatisation process where some people won jackpots as a result of their position and participation and that this needed extensive investigations because it was from such an undertaking where Zambian lost out.
“It is our unwavering position that in the establishment of third broader economic liberation of the Republic of Zambia to enact a non-bailable law on all corruption cases.
“We shall fast track to arrest and prosecute all the key players; namely politicians, lawyers, business persons and associates, especially those still alive, who contributed to vandalising and stripping-off of Zambia’s assets to their advantage during the process of privatisation,” Mr. Tonga said.
He cited the sale of the multimillion defunct Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Limited (ZCCM) and its subsidiaries both at home and abroad, as a classic example of what corruption was able to do to humanity if left flourish or undefeated.
