Chief Chipepo applauds Chilufya AU appointment

THE appointment of Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya to African Union (AU) continental coordinating committee, will boost the country preparedness against the fight of COVID-19, Chief Chipepo has said.
Chief Chipepo of the Tonga people of Southern Province said the appointment was a great honour to Zambia and shows how highly the country is regarded by the African Union Community and other global organisations.
He said the presence of Dr Chilufya on the continental coordinating Committee was a blessing to the nation as it was going to enhance the country’s efforts in the fight against the virus.
“The appointment of our Minister of Health, Dr Chilufya to sit on the continental COVID-19 coordinating committee should not be considered as a mini achievement for the country because this will not only enable the country gain more experience in managing the disease but also enable us to contribute our expertise to other nations,” he said.
Chief Chipepo also advised his subjects and the country at large to continue staying safe by adhering to guidelines and measures put in place by Government aimed that stopping the spread of the virus.
And Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary Technical Services Dr. Kennedy Malama who announced the appointment of Dr Chilufya said the appointment was a clear appreciation by the international community of the country’sefforts in fighting Covid-19.
Dr. Malama said Zambia was among the countries recognised by the African Union (AU) for having scaled up its preparedness way before it recorded its first case of Covid-19.
The Committee chaired by AU Commissioner for Social Affairs Mrs. Amira Elfadil Mohammed Elfadil, is aimed at ensuring that Africa continues to be on its positive trajectory in heightening preparedness, prevention, disease intelligence and response to Covid-19.
The continental Committee will also ensure that Africa mobilizes enough resources to procure equipment and supplies as the continent mounts a coordinated response to the pandemic.
