Suspend draconian labour laws, unions demand

UNION leaders have supported calls by the Federation of Employers to suspend the draconian labour law, set to be enforced on May 12, until the covid 19 is overcome fearing collapses of companies and job losses.
Civil Servants and Allied Workers Union of Zambia (CSAWUZ) president Davy Chiyobe said yesterday, employers were within their right to call for a meeting with Government to discuss the plight of workers in the face to dwindling income due to the effects of Covid-19 outbreak,.
Mr Chiyobe warned in an interview that in an event coronavirus pandemic does not end soon, the economy was more likely to be crippled to the extent that employers, especially those in the informal sector will fail to pay salaries and other take homes to their workforce.
He said the recent by passed Labour Code had adequate provisions that can help Government and the employers come to an understanding on how they can go about the current challenges that has led to slowed down economic activities in the country.
“Government and employers should engage each other and see how best they can go round the issue at hand to ensure a win-win situation,” he said.
