Thumbs up to Judokas

FOOTBALL has for long been termed as the number one sport in the country. The “beautiful game” gets all the recognition and attention from both sports fans and the Ministry of Sports, Youth and Child Development.
While sports associations have for long been known for complaints on the perceived bias towards football from the ministry of Sports, one would argue that football is the major sporting discipline in the country and these minor sports must not cry foul as they clearly never attract the huge fan base as football.
Despite the tag of being a “minor sport,” the Zambia Judo Association (ZJA) has taken the initiative by “standing up to be counted.” Despite the coronavirus paralysing sports, it has been an opportunity to the ZJA to plough back to the community with massive donations towards the fight against the pandemic in different parts of the country. They have disinfected schools and masked up over 500 people.
ZJA president Alfred Foloko has led the way in proving that it’s not everytime that you have to receive but also contribute to the community that give us our medal winners.
Such gestures can aid the so called “minor sports” to leave a mark that will make them receive more recognition. If they don’t avail themselves to the public, no one will know they exist.
Other associations should take a leaf from their Judo counterparts by venturing into community service as well as sensitising the public on the sports disciplines.
It is cardinal for minor sports to rise to the occasion and spread their tentacles to various parts of the country to be recognised. It’s kudos to ZJA executive committee.
