Trump will not attend Biden’s inauguration

President Trump will not attend the peaceful transfer of power to President-elect Joe Biden on Capitol Hill in 12 days, he confirms in a tweet.

Additionally, a source with knowledge of her plans, tells CNN that first lady Melania Trump will also not attend Biden’s inauguration.

The Trumps are right now scheduled to leave Washington on Jan. 19, this source says, but cautions those plans could always change.

Trump conceded publicly for the first time last night that he will not serve a second term, stopping short of congratulating President-elect Joe Biden but acknowledging a transfer of power is now underway.

“A new administration will be inaugurated on January 20,” Trump said in the video, which was taped at the White House. “My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power.”

A White House adviser in discussions with senior officials said Trump recorded the video only because his presidency is threatened by looming resignations and potential impeachment.
