Memorial campaigning slammed
SENIOR Party members should avoid positioning themselves for the presidency as this kind of desperation will bring disunity in the party, says PF Publicity chairperson Raphael Nakacinda.
Mr Nakacinda said that it was unfortunate that supporters of Mr Chishimba Kambwili were seen brandishing banners highlighting him as president of the party at an event which was meant to remember the founding father of the party.
He said he hoped that the cadres did not have the blessings of Mr Kambwili because it was painting a very wrong picture especially that it was a memorial service for the late head of State.
Mr Nakacinda said he hoped all the senior members would concentrate on reorganising the party instead of prematurely campaigning even when the party had not set the date of the general conference.
‘’This is a time the party needs to sit down and get united if they were to bounce back to power unlike what was happening at the moment where people had started making camps,’’ he said.
He called on Mr Kambwili to talk to his supporters until a time when campaigns were open for the sake of the party’s continuity.
Mr Nakacinda said hooliganism was not needed in the party because the actions were disrespectful to the Sata family who were paying their respects to PF’s founding father.
Meanwhile, Mr Kambwili in a video warned his supporters to desist from campaigning at the memorial because it was wrong.
Mr Kambwili could be heard telling the supporters that thronged him with banners of praise, that it was wrong that they had not consulted him before making that move.
‘’This is not right even if people love me, it is wrong, because we are at a funeral and you people should have asked me,’’ Mr Kambwili said.