Kasenengwa records low numbers of children accessing education


EASTERN Province deputy Permanent Secretary Beauty Undi Phiri has urged parents in the province to take advantage of the free education and send their children to school.

Ms Phiri said while some districts have recorded high numbers of children going back to school, some districts like Kasenengwa are recording low numbers.

She said the government is engaging traditional leaders to see to it that all children especially the girl-child goes back to school and reduce on teenage pregnancies.

Ms Phiri said for the province to develop, people need to acquire knowledge and this will be achieved when many have access to education.

She has also urged Members of Parliament to use part of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) to sensitise the people the importance of education.

“This is the huge challenge which we have in the province, which need to be addressed.

We need concerted efforts to ensure that the matter at hand is addressed so that everyone can see the importance of education,” Ms Phiri said.

This article is supported with the WAN IFRA Women In News (WIN) Social Impact Reporting Initiative (SIRI). Gender equality, diversity and inclusion ( GEDI) Information in this article does not reflect the views of WAN IFRA Women In News.
