PRESIDENT Hakainde Hichilema says the UPND administration appreciates the role traditional leaders’ play as partners in developing the country.

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President Hichilema said this in a speech read by Central Province Minister Cradle Nanjuwa during the 2023 Chibwela Mushi ceremony for the Lala and Swaka people of Central Province held at Chalata in Mkushi.

President Hichilema said the government values traditional leaders as partners in fostering development in all areas and aspects of human endeavours.

He said that cultural events such as traditional ceremonies are important platforms to provide the interaction as well as exchange of ideas and experiences that strengthen the rapport between the central government and traditional leaders.

He said the Government acknowledges the importance of preserving culture, adding that culture is the backbone of a nation and that traditional ceremonies have potential to add impetus to the tourism industry.

President Hichilema said he is gratified to learn that policies have had positive impact on residents in the chiefdoms, saying that 149 learners in Mkushi district recently benefitted from tertiary skills CDF (Constituency Development Fund) after K1.9 million was spent on bursaries   support. 

He said 249 learners gained sponsorship for secondary school sponsorship from CDF funding, adding that CDF grants and loans also benefitted several women and youth Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Mkushi.

He urged Mkushi residents to continue maximising on the potentials presented by natural resources, saying that the district alone contributes 23 percent of maize grain in the country, as well as 60 percent of the wheat.

The President also assured that the government would continue subsidising the production costs for small-scale farmers by implementing policies such as the Farmer Input Support Programme.

He implored residents to grow lots of maize and sell to the Food Reserve Agency, saying Government is working closely with millers towards addressing the rise in mealie meal prices.

The 31st officially recorded Chibwela Mushi ceremony was also attended by chiefs from Mkushi, Luano, Serenje, Chitambo and Kapiri Mposhi. 


