Bizwell Mutale sued for failing to pay rent
BUSINESS executive Bizwell Mutale and his company, MKP South Africa (Zambia) Limited have been sued in the Lusaka High Court for alleged rental arrears amounting to over US$150,000.
It is also alleged that the landlord, Ms Julie Limipic,has had no access to the premises known as Plot No. 39 Mulungushi road, Roma, Lusaka, since September, 2021, as Mr Mutale ,who recently joined ruling UPND party from PF, locked the house with his furniture inside.
In an affidavit in support of originating notice of motion, Ms Limipic stated that on April 29, 2019, she and the company entered into an agreement, with the latter to pay US$3, 000 per month subject to a yearly increment of five percent.
She stated that Mr Mutale proceeded to pay US$9,000 for three months and MKP South Africa moved in.
However, from June, 2019 to March 2022, the defendant neglected to pay rentals and accumulated about US$99,000.
She was in September, 2021, informed by the caretaker that Mr Mutale had locked the premises with his furniture inside the house and left for South Africa.
Ms Limipic, stated that between March 2022 and January 2024, Mr Mutale incurred US$66,000 by way of mesne profit.
She stated that the defendant did acknowledge owing US$99,000, but has still not paid anything towards the said sum despite several reminders.