Forex market still intact, notes Kalyalya
ZAMBIA’S foreign exchange market is still deemed to be operating in a manner that is consistent with market principles, as evidenced by the absence of parallel structures such as the black market.
ZAMBIA’S foreign exchange market is still deemed to be operating in a manner that is consistent with market principles, as evidenced by the absence of parallel structures such as the black market.
THE Policy Monitoring and Research Centre (PMRC) has projected a 4 percent economic growth for Zambia in 2024 following the government’s continued policy reforms.
RUSSIA has accused Western countries of being the main conductors of the policy of neocolonialism through the financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank to which most African countries are vulnerable.
THE World Bank has completed a review of Zambia’s second macroeconomic stability, growth and competitiveness development policy financing under the Development Policy Operation 2 (DPO 2) financing.
THE International Monetary Fund (IMF) has completed the second review of the Extended Credit Facility for Zambia, which has resulted to the disbursement of US187 million.
The IMF’s mission chief for Zambia added in a statement that the Fund welcomed Zambia’s memorandum of understanding with its official creditors and ongoing discussions with private creditors to reach an agreement on debt restructuring.She said Zambia may need to further tighten monetary policy to contain inflationary pressures and that building reserves would enhance the southern African country’s external resilience.
THE Civil Society for Scaling Up -Nutrition has said the projection by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that 12 percent of the Sub-Sahara population may suffer food insecurity should be a wake-up call for Zambia to enhance its food production.
IT is not easy to destroy the Patriotic Front (PF) and the UPND has spent its first two years in government scheming to exterminate the former ruling party at the expense of delivering their flamboyant promises that have since become irritating rhetoric to Zambians, Brian Mundubile has said.
CHINA has called on Zambia’s other creditors to shoulder a “fair burden” in the country’s debt restructuring, after the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and official creditors including Beijing “expressed reservations” about a deal Zambia struck with overseas bondholders.
THE arrest and detention of three Patriotic Front (PF) senior leaders is but part of the grand scheme by the UPND regime to steal the former ruling party using expelled Matero Member of Parliament Miles Sampa, Brian Mundubile has said.