NFCA invests US$1.5 billion in Zambia, creating 5,600 jobs
MINES Minister Paul Kabuswe has urged Chambishi Non-Ferrous Africa Mining (NFCA) to consider expanding its capacity to three million tons of copper production per annum.
MINES Minister Paul Kabuswe has urged Chambishi Non-Ferrous Africa Mining (NFCA) to consider expanding its capacity to three million tons of copper production per annum.
MINES and Minerals Development Minister Paul Kabuswe has proposed increased budgetary allocation towards mineral exploration.
By ROGERS KALEROABOUT 2,000 miners at NFC Africa Mining Plc in Chambishi who were quarantined have been released and will be reporting for work from their homes.The miners, who included … Read More
By ROGERS KALEROEMPLOYERS should not take advantage of the Covid-19 outbreak to disregard labour laws and mistreat their employees, Labour and Social Security Minister Joyce Simukoko has warned.Ms Simukoko said … Read More