Shut up, court scolds Chilufya Tayali
LUSAKA magistrate Kelvin Soma has rebuked Economic and Equity (EEP) leader, Chilufya Tayali and warned him to stop answering back when he is giving him advice.
LUSAKA magistrate Kelvin Soma has rebuked Economic and Equity (EEP) leader, Chilufya Tayali and warned him to stop answering back when he is giving him advice.
SPEAKER of the National Assembly Nelly Mutti yesterday advised Members of Parliament to revisit their standing orders to acquaint themselves on what qualifies to be admitted in the House as a matter of urgent public importance.
POLICE in Lusaka have arrested two Ministry of Health officials based at the University Teaching Hospitals (UTH) for Theft by Public Servant.
THE poor state of the country’s health delivery system has resulted in the public losing confidence of getting the best service when they seek treatment.
THE Department of Veterinary in Siavonga district has called on livestock farmers to regularly vaccinate and deworm their livestock to prevent animal diseases.
A TEAM of four Czech doctors and one nurse specializing in Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) is concluding a highly specialized surgical mission at the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) in Lusaka where they have been performing life-changing surgeries.
A UPND member has filed a lawsuit against the Attorney General, claiming damages of more than K800, 000 for alleged failure by the police to protect him when he was attacked by Patriotic Front (PF) cadres in 2018.
By AARON CHIYANZOFIVE frontline health workers at the Levy Mwanawasa Covid-19 Isolation Centre in Lusaka have tested positive to the Coronavirus, Health minister Chitalu Chilufya has said.And Dr Chilufya said … Read More